News Letter

Earnest request for your kind donation toward church building

Dear    Friends, 


Greetings in the precious name of our Lord Jesus!

Date- September 8, 2024

Subject: Urgent Need for Donation for Thukha Myanmar Mission Worship Hall

Thukha Myanmar Mission was started in 2013 with a specific vision that is to reach 10 % of Myanmar with the Gospel by planting a church in every city and village where there is currently no church. Since the beginning, we have been evangelizing to unbelievers. By the Grace of God, so far in Yangon, over one hundred people have been saved and baptized in water, and about two hundred members worship together regularly on Sunday Morning.

As the numbers of church members increased, we began renting a space to meet regularly. Our current location is the sixth place we have rented for our worship service. Each time we rent a new church worship hall, Thukha Myanmar faces many challenges; the rent is expensive, some new believers leave because we are meeting in a different area, church equipment is damaged or broken during each moved, we face strict hinderances from our neighbors and the space is not adequate for the size of the congregation. Thus, Thukha Myanmar has been asking God for our own church building to gather for worship.

God has heard our prayers and has given us a very good and large piece of land in Yangon to build the worship hall. On this land that God has provided, Thukha Myanmar is praying fervently to able to build a two-story church hall (70’x 50’). The estimated cost is $ 100,000 USD. We are praying and planning to start the building project in February, 2025. We ask God to bless us and allow us to have a dedication service in May 2025.

Our beloved friends, this is an urgent need, and we need your help to raise the required funds for this project. we are requesting your kind support in giving a donation for the new worship hall. We believe that together, we can reach this goal and have a permanent place to worship together. Thank you in advance for your consideration and generosity. With great appreciation. Thank you very much for your generosity.



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             David C. Khaihmo               Ngwe Thein               John Peng Lian                 

                   President                     Vice- President                Secretary                                                                                                                                     


Praise the Lord!

On 31/3/2019, we had a wonderful Service in the new hall. Our brother Swiss friend Bruno Frei had a speech.  Our heartfelt thanks goes to Bruno Frei for the great message. 

Thukha Myanmar is so grateful to our preciouse friends.

God Bless you all. 

 Bible School Training Finished!

The Third Batch Bible School Training  has been sucessfully finished on 19 October 2019.  (15 ) students ( 9) boys and (6) girls completed their course well. Now they go back home to serve the people. Next year from June 20 20  the fourth Batch will start again. Period of training is six months. Bellow pictures.

Woman Leaders Annual Conference finished sucessfully!

The third Women Leaders conference was held in Yangon from 31 october to November 3/ 2019. 40 women leaders from Rakhine, Magway, Shan, Irrawaddy, and Yangon participated. Five resouce persons facilitated it. Women is the power of the church and organisation. All women be blessed! Let us meet in the fourth Anuual conference in next year November. 

Leprosy Mission Trip in 2019 ( November 14)

Thukha Myanmar team visited leprosy camp on 14 November 2019. We met lovely families with great joy. We shared medicine, rice and cooking oil and pray for them.
We started to help these leprosy families from 2014 by keeping the work of Mai Mai and Rev. Mang Lian who helped them from 1996. This is located in Pakokku, Magway Region. Three times a year, thukha Myanmar help them by sharing rice, clothes, medicines, oils, soap, kitchen used for living to the families which we collected donations from our well being wishers and by giving education tuition to their children. we could not afford this year for lack of fund even though it is so necessary for the children's future. We are trying to provide the children books, note book, pencil, bag, umbrellas, so on. This land was provided by the Government. It is big enough for over (30) families. The number of all leprosy family in the area is ( 30) family with 150 members. Children have no leprosy disease. Only parents are with deceases. They live by begging house to house and on the road. Better persons can work in the company for food.They live in a very miserable houses.
All are requested to pray for their current needs; medicines, electric meter box for most of houses, teachers for children tuition food.

Leprocy  (1)
Thukha Myanmar Works  (20)
December 17  2016 (11)
2018 September 23 (66)
2018 Christmas  (17)
2018 September 23 (46)
2018 September 23 (65)
2018 September  (15)
Leprosy Camp Visit 2019 Novemebr  (5)
Leprosy Camp Visit 2019 Novemebr  (4)

 2019 Christmas was celiberated joyfully in 10 places; two places in Irawwady, Three in Rakhine, One In Yangon, one in Shan State and three in Magway.

 Mnay believers and many unbelievers were participating in the Christmas. Myanmar is the Country openning the door widely for Christ.  The entire Country celiberated Chirstmas. God bless Myanmar!!

Blessings in January and February 

1.  Anual meeting in Yangon withthirty ministers attendants. All missionary works, strenght of the ministers and financial income reports. we had decided many points for the next years. All enjoyed. 

2.   We had bought piece of land for children home and children education project by the name of Thukha Myanmar Organisation. We need to start buildings for children. We request you all for keeping prayer.

3. We received our beloved partners from Swiss and Russia Mirjam and Anna. We visited Yangon, Irawwady and magway fields and supported leprosy families, met and met ministers from Rakhine in Yangon. 

Annual Meeting Pics  (1)
Annual Meeting Pics  (5)

Annual Meeting and Dedication 

By the Grace of God, 2022 Annual meeting was sucessfully finished! 

New Leaders are dedicated to God.

New missionaries are dedicated to God.

Two pastors are ordained. 

Melemaung Church Building Project (25.3.2023)

-Melemaung church needs a building for worship.

- The church was started in 2018.

- God blesses the missionary work and people start to believe in Jesus Christ. 

- They worshiped in the house of the missionary in the beginning.

- Now, the church grows to 80 church members and needs a building for worship.

- 2022, unbeliever known as U Ba Myint donated a large piece of land for the church. 

- Now we are praying to build the hall for worshipping. 

- Please pray and support us for this church building.

- Pictures are as seen!

- It needs 10'000. USD for compeletion. 

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Youth Music Training 

15-25 March, 2023

By God's Grace,  planting project has been blessed and growing in a short time. 

So, the church prayed to have a good training for praise and worship team. 

The church chooses a boy and a girl from each local church.

They have the training in Yangon church.

Pastor Suh Suh and syama Lucy from Haleluaiah Worship Center teach for ten days.  To God be the Glory!!

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